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Clive Barker: Revelations

The Return Of The Great Revelations Giveaway...!

OK, we're on a roll..! To celebrate Clive's latest novel, Mister B. Gone, hitting the bestseller lists, Clive has specially signed ten copies of the US first edition for us to give away here at Revelations!

Clive Barker - Mister B. Gone

...So, with thanks to both Clive and HarperCollins New York, we are looking for the first lucky names we pull out of the hat to be the recipients of a signed book. Oh - and no multiple entries please, or we'll set Jakabok on you!

Clive signing Mister B. Gone

2 December 2007

OK - if you're one of the lucky winners of a signed book then please check your e-mail, as we've already been in touch!

Thanks again both to Clive and HarperCollins US and to everyone who took the trouble to enter from (as ever) all corners of the globe.

Those of you who missed out this time - better luck next time...


Right - that's the prize, here are the instructions...

Same rules as usual - nothing too strenuous... All you need to do is e-mail us with 'Mister B. Gone' in the subject header: it couldn't be simpler.
Click on the mailbox below anytime between now and the close of 30 November 2007 and we'll pick winners out of a hat on the following day.

Head over to our Mister B. Gone page for Clive's thoughts and comment on the story's development as well as our Mister B. Gone bibliography...

Also, take a look at some of the sketches lucky fans have had drawn in their books at Mister B. Gone signings...

Mister B. Gone signing tour | Clive on Mister B. Gone | Mister B. Gone bibliography | Search Revelations | Home page

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