TV Adaptations of Clive's Storylines
The Yattering And Jack -
Tales From The Darkside (1986)
The Body Politic ;
Quicksilver Highway (1997)
Saint Sinner (2002)
Haeckel's Tale (2006)
Valerie On The Stairs (2006)
Books of Blood (2020)
Clive in Series, Documentaries
The Dissection of Clive Barker -
Granada Television, UK, 25 minutes (1990)
The Art of Horror - Zig Zag Films and Hollywood Canada,
28 minutes (1992)
On the Art of Clive Barker -
Bess Cutler Gallery, 15 minutes (1993)
The South Bank Show, London Weekend Television (UK),
aka A&E Biography : Master of Horror (US), 52 minutes (May 1994)
A Gathering of Magic : The Making of Lord of Illusions -
Sci Fi Channel, 18 minutes (1995)
Masters of Fantasy, Sci Fi Channel, 22 minutes (1996)
The A-Z of Horror (1997)
Resurrection, Seraphim Inc, documentary on Hellraiser Anchor Bay DVD,
24 minutes (September 2002)
Lost In The Labyrinth, Seraphim Inc,
documentary on Hellbound Anchor Bay DVD, 17 minutes (September 2002)
Clive Barker's Abarat: The Artist's Passion, Fangoria Blood Drive,
Koch Vision, US, 17 minutes (June 2004)
Sweets To The Sweet: The Candyman Mythos, Automat Pictures,
documentary on Candyman DVD, 24 minutes (2004)
Raising Hell, Automat Pictures,
documentary on Candyman DVD, 11 minutes (2004)
The Man Behind The Myth, Sam Hurwitz,
documentary on Midnight Meat Train DVD, 15 minutes (2007)
Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II,
feature documentary from Cult Screenings UK, 9 hours (2015)
The Cinema Of Clive Barker: The Divine Explicit, Heather Buckley, Arrow Films,
documentary on Candyman Blu ray, 28 minutes (2018)
Clive Barker Presents
- Jojo Baby