Ahh, the man himself... Pinup to some, Pinhead's creator to others, if we ever see the words 'Renaissance Man' casually draped over another cover it will be time to despair of journalistic independence and imagination...
4 Front - Vol 2 No 18, 30 April - 13 May 1997: There's obviously not enough muscletone being revealed in this contemplative shot to make it as the main cover boy of this Los Angeles local gay mag. Contains an interview with Clive.
10 Per Cent - March/April 1995: What can we say? The darling of the gay press proudly standing astride his cover. Contains an interview with Clive.
Au Courant - Vol 13 No 43, 29 August - 4 September 1995: Firmly pinning its sexual orientation to the mast, this Philadelphia gay magazine screams about Clive being the 'Queen of Terror'... Contains an interview with Clive.
The Barker - 1987: The Official Newsletter of Dark Carnival Books in Berkeley, California prepared readers for their October 1987 signing with Clive.
The Barker - 1994: The Voice of Dark Carnival Books in Berkeley, California. Includes the short story, Animal Life.
The Beat, Vol 1 No 2, July 1993: This Indiana-based entertainment magazine had an interview with Clive on the subject of the about-to-be-launched Razorline comics series.
Bent, November 1998: 'The magazine with a different angle' puts Clive on the cover as his first La Luz de Jesus art exhibition opens and Gods and Monsters hits the screen.
Between The Lines - No 1706, 5 February 2009: Michigan's weekly newspaper includes an interview about Clive's photos for the Dirty Show in Detroit.
Bloodsongs - No 6, March 1995: Nestled just underneath the picture of Nix, Clive inspects the Lord of Illusions set in this Australian horror fiction 'zine with an interview and a review of Salome and The Forbidden.
The Bloomsbury Review - Vol 7 No 5, September/October 1987: The "Renaissance Hellraiser" himself "talks about his d(a)emonic craft" in an interview.
Book And Magazine Collector - No 68, November 1989: A bibliography and what purports to be an interview with Clive but may simply be extracts from previously published interviews.
The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America - Vol 22 No 4, Winter 1988: Ian Watson reports back to the SFWA on the 1988 World Fantasy Convention with Clive in the esteemed company of James Herbert, Dennis Etchison, Susan Allison, David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer and Lucius Shepherd on the cover of The Bulletin.
Cinefantastique - Vol 26 No 3, April 1995: The Clive Barker issue, containing a number of articles and interviews with Clive.
City Paper, Philadelphia - No 633, 11 - 17 July 1997: Celebrating his involvement in a local gay and lesbian film festival, this Philadelphia weekly paper has an interview with Clive and a psychadelic cover design.
Comic Buyer's Guide - No 1024, 2 July 1993: As the Razorline is launched, Clive contributes an essay and others talk about the four lead titles.
Contra Costa Times - 24 August 1995: The theatrical release of Lord of Illusions sees Clive visiting San Francisco and giving an interview that earns him a cover spot (photographed at the Medieval Dungeon on Fisherman's Wharf) above a photo of Nix.
Critical Wave - No 6, 1988: An account of a set visit to Pinewood Studios during extra effects shots and insert scenes on Hellboundprompted Critical Wave to show Clive halfway to Pinhead-isation on their cover.
Daily News, Los Angeles, L.A. Life section - 19 October 1992: An interview with Clive as he discusses the upcoming Candyman and The Thief of Always.
Daily News, Los Angeles, L.A. Life section - 14 October 1998: An interview with Clive as the Universal Horror Nights unleashes Freakz.
Doom - No 0, June 1995: The premiere issue of Peter Harald Zahn's German horror and fantasy magazine features a translated version of a World of Fandom interview, with a great cover image of a relaxed Clive on set with a doomed Nix cultist.
Doorways - No 6, Summer/Fall 2008: Presenting the full text of The Midnight Meat Train, Doorways gives Clive the cover page.
Eclipse Extra - 2-7 July 1991: The publicity newspaper for Eclipse rolled out a San Diego Comicon special in July 1991 with Clive in pole position to celebrate his signings there and the launch of Michael Brown's Pandemonium book. It featured a short interview with Clive alongside interview comments from Fred Burke and Dean Mullaney of Eclipse.
Entertainment Today - Vol XXXI No 6, 23-29 October 1998: Clive on the set of Freakz takes front cover billing to promote Universal's Halloween Horror Nights II, with an interview inside this California weekly.
ETC - Vol 11 No 34, 25 August 1995: Using the headline 'The Future of Horror is Queer' , ETC has an interview with Clive.
Evening Herald, Ireland - 8 September 1988: Arriving in Dublin to promote Weaveworld, Clive earns himself a cover slot alongside several disgruntled Irish Olympians... There's an interview inside.
Everybody's News, Issue 511, 3 - 9 July 1998: As Clive visits Cincinnati for a Galilee signing, the local alternative arts weekly runs this inventive cover to herald their interview inside.
Fantasy Zone - No 6, March 1990: A set visit to Pinewood halfway through principal photography includes an interview with Clive.
Film Threat - No 19, 1989: JK Potter converts Clive into Pinhead for Film Threat's first Clive interview.
Film Review - March 1993: An interview with Clive as a photo from a Nightbreed set visit squeezes onto the front cover.
The Georgia Straight - 16-23 February 1990: An interview with Clive promoting Nightbreed and The Great and Secret Show had The Georgia Straight declare on its cover: 'In film, art and print, horror is his business...'
HarperPaperbacks - January-April 1997: HarperCollins' regular catalogue of upcoming paperback releases featured Clive alongside William Shatner and others as Sacrament, Thief of Always and the A-Z of Horror all made their way towards bookstores.
Hiatus - 1 March 1990: An interview with Clive during the tour for The Great and Secret Show appeared in this, the weekly supplement to the UCSD Guardian in San Diego' using a photo from the signing as its cover.
Hollywood North - Winter 1988: An interview with Clive undertaken on the Weaveworld tour adorns the front page of this Canadian entertainment quarterly.
The Hollywood Reporter - 4-6 October 2002: As Abarat is launched onto its Hollywood journey, there's an interview promoted with a cover slot for Clive...
Horror Magazine - No 7, 1996: An interview with Clive as well as the transcript of his session at the World Horror Convention.
HX Magazine - No 338, 27 February 1998: Using what looks to be a photo from the same shoot as the one on Horror No 7, Clive is interviewed in this 'totally biased politically incorrect party paper'.
In Audio - Vol 4 No 7, July 1996: An interview with Clive on audiobook adaptations and his writing style.
Lambda Book Report - Vol.10, Issue 3, October 2001: Coldheart Canyon and the Abarat come under scrutiny in this interview.
The Learning Annex - January/February 1999: Promoting Clive's 20 February 1999 'Tapping Your Creative Energy & Imagination' seminar in San Francisco as part of The Learning Annex's ongoing programme.
The List - 24 October-6 November 1991: An interview with Clive in Edinburgh on the Imajica tour for this Glasgow and Edinburgh events guide.
Locus - No 299, December 1985: Now here's a cheesy early photo! Check out the Eighties Miami-Vice-style jacket sleeves pushed up the arms, hmmm... This shot of the big winners at the 1985 World Horror Convention is the only Clive content in this one.
Locus - No 306, July 1986: Front page billing for news about Clive's upcoming projects and a single line of interview.
Locus - No 411, April 1995: What a difference a decade makes! The hair is slicked, the shirt expensive - this is a man comfortable with his nineties image. Contains an interview with Clive.
Locus - No 529, March 2005: Yet another decade on and the worldwide success of Abarat spurs Locus to feature Clive and his work yet again. Few photos now show him without the backdrop of his painting, which has become the backbone of his written work. Contains a feature interview with Clive.
London Film and Comic Con, 8-10 July 2011: As Clive makes his first visit to the London Film and Comic Con, he graces the cover of the convention booklet.
Los Angeles Times, 31 January 1990: The Los Angeles Times interviews Clive in its View section as The Great and Secret Show hits bookstores.
Los Angeles Times, 12 August 1995: Peering out from between Blue Vision and Toothman, the Los Angeles Times interviews Clive on his Laguna Beach art exhibition.
Lost Souls - September-December 2000: Containing a new interview with Clive from questions posed by the Lost Souls themselves, a demonic Clive scares away the faint of heart.
Lost Souls - April 2002: Carrying the trademark 'Confessions' interview with Clive, this (final) issue makes use of the stylish Mikiholo photo cover for the UK version of The Dark Fantastic.
Lost Souls - November 2002: A great cover for Demoriam's first Lost Souls e-zine in which there's a transcript of a signing tour Q&A and an interview from the HarperCollins Abarat website.
Mad Movies, 50 Ans - Hors-Serie No 69, November 2022: Celebrating its 50th year with a collection of reprinted interviews with Clive, Dario Argento, John Carpenter, Wes Craven, David Cronenberg, Tobe Hooper, Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi, this magazine from France presented an artist's impression of each of them, with Clive as Pinhead. There are four interviews with Clive inside, from Impact No.12 and Mad Movies Nos. 69, 106 and 205.
Marvel Age - No 126, July 1993: The Barkerverse is unveiled in this interview. Clive smiles on his creations like a benign God of the Razorline on the cover.
Midweek - 10 December 1992: A free London magazine containing a Clive interview.
New York Native - No 647, 11 September 1995: Clive is interviewed as Lord of Illusions hits cinemas, with a photo cover of him directing the movie.
Nexus - No 8, October 1988: The Journal of Imaginative Media reports an evening at the National Film Theatre as an interview and has Clive on the cover with Wes Craven.
The One - No 25, October 1990: With Clive squeezed down in the bottom right corner of the cover, this computer games magazine features a review of Ocean's two Night breed games and an interview with Clive.
La Opinion: Panorama, 23 October 1992: This Los Angeles newspaper put Clive alongside Gerard Depardieu on its cover and there's an interview with him inside.
The Orange County Register: Show, 18 October 1987: The Orange County Register interviews Clive on switching from Hellraiser to Weaveworld...
The Orange County Register: Show, 4 September 1991
The Orange County Register returns to interview Clive as Imajica is released.
Other Dimensions - No 1, Summer 1993: An interview with Clive in the debut issue of this Necronomicon Press magazine.
Outlook, No 13, December 1990 / January 1991: Clive gives an interview for the magazine which offers its readers "A new Outlook for a New Age".
Penny Blood, Issue 2, Spring 2005: An unusual blending of a promotional photograph of Clive with his portrait of Leeman Vol give this new horror magazine its cover art to herald an interview within.
Province, Showcase section - 19 August 1996: On the Canadian leg of his Sacrament book tour, Clive was interviewed about the similarities between himself and Will Rabjohns.
Publishing News - 29 April 1988: Collins invested heavily and bought a wrap-around advertising cover to promote Weaveworld in this UK trade journal, featuring promotional material, photos and an interview with Clive ahead of the August 1988 release of the novel's paperback edition.
Rave Reviews - No 22, December 1989 / January 1990: A glowing review for The Great and Secret Show inside earns its author a cover slot.
The Register-Guard, Eugene, Oregon - 12 May 1996: Section D of the Sunday newspaper in Eugene one May showed a smiling Clive during a signing at that weekend's World Horror Convention with short interview extracts.
The San Francisco Examiner - 21 August 1995: The Style section has an interview with Clive as Lord of Illusions hits the screen.
The San Francisco Examiner - 23 July 1998: This time, the Style section pictures the author as 'a magnet for the weird', photographed in San Francisco on the Galilee book tour alongside the paper's interview with Clive.
Science Fiction Chronicle - No 74, November 1985: Photographed signing The Damnation Game at London's Forbidden Planet, Clive takes top right on the cover of The Science Fiction Chronicle.
Science-Fiction Magazine - No 31, February 2003: This French magazine has possibly Clive's smallest ever cover appearance - look hard, he's there in glorious black and white between the "c" and the "i" of "Science" in the title. No, honestly. There's an interview from 2001 inside.
Science Fiction Media - No 34, March 1987: Proclaiming itself to be the first magazine to publish an interview with Clive in German, this is a translation of the interview in Interzone from 1985.
Screen Monsters - Special No 2, April 1993: This "Unauthorized" comic book is an illustrated biography written by Ron Rocket.
Screens - No 11, March 1988: A Hellbound set visit sees Clive interviewed as he fights for cover space with Dirty Dancing and Buckaroo Banzai.
Skeleton Crew - No 3/4, 1988: Artist Dave Carson has added silver tears to our copy of this. Contains an interview and a reprint of Son Of Celluloid in this double issue - as well as critical essays and an interview with the second female cenobite, Barbie Wilde.
Speakeasy - No 117, February 1991: John Bolton's artwork heralds interviews with Clive and with John Bolton himself.
Starlog, No 14, June 2001: Proclaiming that we should "Be very afraid - entering the mind of a horror legend", Starlog's UK edition put a (very small) new publicity shot on the cover to promote their 2001 interview.
Sunday Herald, 18 November 2001: Clive's up there at the top of this newspaper from Scotland, as "Hellraiser: Author Clive Barker on horror, life in L.A. - and ostrich farms" in his interview inside.
That's Clive! - No 0: The German Clive Barker fanclub's inaugural publication.
That's Clive! - No 3: Another take on the 'Clive as Pinhead' theme for this Hellraiser themed issue.
That's Clive! - No 6: Well... we're not likely to see a horned Clive given the body of his own demon again any time soon!
That's Clive! - No 7, April 1998: The German Clive Barker fanclub featured Ken Meyer Jr.'s Imajica card to accompany their complete card list inside.
That's Clive! - Special No 1, March 1999: A special issue of the magazine of the German Clive Barker fanclub featuring contributions from members in the form of essays, stories and poetry.
This Week In Texas - 2-8 August 1996: Ahead of Clive's appearance in Dallas on the Sacrament signing tour, this Texas magazine featured an interview with Clive.
The Times, Weekend Section - 26 October 2002: Dwight Garner's 2002 interview from the New York Times gets a reprint in the UK, as the front page of the Weekend section. Clive lounges in a comfy chair surrounded by Abarat oils.
The Tribune, San Luis Obispo, California - 15 October 2000: As Harvest's maze took over Universal Studios for Halloween, 'The Many Faces Of Clive Barker' were showcased by The Tribune's Living section, alongside an interview with Clive.
TWN, Florida, 30 August 1995: In the same interview as the one in Au Courant the same week, Clive is labelled as a 'Happy Homo Horror Hero' as he promotes Lord of Illusions.
Underscope - 1995: A 1995 interview graced by a smiling, successful author.
USA Today Weekend Supplement - 9-11 October 1987: Promoting his US Weaveworld signing tour, Clive swaps the trademark cigar for a cigarette as he muses the "28.3 million readers every weekend" about to read his interview.
USA Today Weekend Supplement, 24-26 June 1994: Back for the readers of USA Today, this time with Animal Life as short fiction.
Daily Variety - 9 February 1999: One February Tuesday in 1999, Variety gave Clive the bottom of the front page under the heading 'Scream Team Lined Up' to announce the then-planned American Horror franchise with New Line Cinema with a few short interview quotes.
Daily Variety - 17 April 2000: The following April, the same photo in the same cover position accompanied the headline 'Mouse Catches Barker' as the Abarat deal with Disney was announced.
Daily Variety - 13 August 2001: Ectokid's turn this time as Clive appears bottom right to accompany a short interview quote.
Vidpix - Vol 3 No 2, August 1990: Celebrating the September 1990 US video release of Nightbreed, Clive and Oliver Parker as Peloquin announce an interview with Clive inside.
Village View, Los Angeles - Vol 4 No 27, 16 - 22 February 1990: Two photos of Clive, one directing Craig Sheffer and David Cronenberg on the set of Nightbreed, the other a black and white publicity shot. There's an interview with Clive inside.
The Weekly, San Diego - 3-9 March 2000: The bottom half of Clive's face adorns an interview on his obsessions...
Windy City Times - 9 January 2008: Clive's gallery show in Chicago is promoted with an interview in the voice of Chicago's GLBT community with Clive halfway down the left hand side of the cover.
Writer's Digest - March 1991: Looking nothing like a 'terror-master', Clive gives away tips in this interview.
Writer's Monthly, Vol 9 No 2, November 1992: The Imajica-era press photo gets star billing as Clive is interviewed for this UK writers' magazine.
XTRA! West - 22 August 1996: Spool forward to 1996 and Vancouver's gay and lesbian bi-weekly declares their cover star to be a 'Scary Fairy' as they interview Clive on the Sacrament tour.