Hellraiser Cover Gallery : A to F ~G to Z
Pinhead : the horror icon whose image has been taken from the silver screen to adorn the humblest bumper sticker and fridge magnet. How could he not find his way to being the cover star of every genre magazine on the planet..? The famous box makes a few welcome appearances while Pinhead's fellow cenobites, deferring to their leader, lag a long way behind...
Gore Gazette - No 107, August 1992: Yup. The old pillar shot on the cover of this New York listings and comment fanzine.
Gore Gothic - No 9, March 2001: A rare cover outing for Hellraiser's fifth instalment, Inferno, with Craig Sheffer's face in extremis on the outside reflecting the movie's 2 out of 5 rating inside...
Gore Noir - No 10, Fall 2013: An issue packed with features to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hellbound includes interviews with Doug Bradley, Simon Bamford, Nick Vince and Barbie Wilde as well as with Max Lichtor from the Pyramid Gallery. Cover art by Christopher Ott.
Gorezone - No 5, January 1988: A review of an uncut Hellbound prior to its submission to the MPAA has an ultimately appropriate picture of Channard being badly cut...
Gorezone - No 22, 1992: The sole cover appearance for CD Head heralds a magazine with an excellent Peter Atkins interview.
Hellbreed - No 1, May 1995: Despite Pinhead's best efforts on issues one and two, this UK Barker-specific magazine folded after just three issues in 1995. It launched with an interview with Clive.
Hellbreed - No 2, June 1995: Pinhead again, this time with the first of a two part interview with Doug Bradley.
Hellraiser - No 1, 1990: The first issue of the UK's "Clive Barker Fan Club" contained interviews with Barker and Doug Bradley.
HorrorHound - No 9, January/February 2008: Featuring an extensive 14-page overview of the Hellraiser films, props and merchandise, a page on Nightbreed and a pull-out poster of Clive's painting, The Twilight Dancers!
HorrorHound - Special, March 2012: With its Tribute to Women in Horror, Kirsty holding the puzzlebox is in the centre, behind Elvira's shoulder.
HorrorHound - No 49, September/October 2014: Pinhead's top left, alongside Funko's interpretation of Metaluna Mutant, as HorrorHound rounds up the best of Comic-Con 2014 and toy news.
HorrorHound - No 97, March/April 2023: Paul Kane contributes a 20 page analysis of the Hellraiser films as well as associated toys, models, masks, graphic novels, comics and other Hellraiser related merchandise with a pull-out poster of Ed Repka's cover art.
The Horror Newsletter - No 3, January 2006: Featuring an excellent interview with Hellbound's female cenobite, Barbie Wilde.
Impact - No 14, April 1988: A Hellbound set visit by this French magazine includes interviews with Barker and others.
In The Flesh - No 1, 1989: Browning's razor blade love-fest gets a front cover slot of issue one of this UK horror magazine.
Kino Domowe - No 1/2004, 2004: This magazine accompanied a DVD release of the first Hellraiser movie in Poland.
London Film and Comic Con - 8-10 July 2011: Pinhead adds a headshot to this brochure showing a few of the collection of attendees at the London Film and Comic Con.
Lost Souls - Newsletter, May 2000: Scott Stoner's illustration 'Boxscratch' graced the cover of Deborah Gordon's first Lost Souls newsletter which contained an old 1992 Barker interview as well as a brand new interview with him, both by Cody Goodfellow.
Lost Souls - Newsletter, July/August 2000: For the next issue, Pinhead was back, reasserting his authority. Contains a transcript of the 2000 Festival of Books Q&A.
Mad Movies - No 365, November 2022: Jamie Clayton's Pinhead graces the cover as this French magazine discusses the prospect of Reboot Hell.
Mad Movies, 50 Ans - Hors-Serie No 69, November 2022: Celebrating its 50th year with a collection of reprinted interviews with Clive, Dario Argento, John Carpenter, Wes Craven, David Cronenberg, Tobe Hooper, Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi, this magazine from France presented an artist's impression of each of them, with Clive as Pinhead. There are four interviews with Clive inside, from Impact No.12 and Mad Movies Nos. 69, 106 and 205.
Marquee - 8-15 March 1989: Pinhead and the Female Cenobite share billing with Gene Hackman, Danny Glover and Sigourney Weaver on Baker and Taylor's weekly video magazine as Hellbound heads for its VHS release.
Marvel Requirer - Vol 1 No 20, October 1991: The impending release of Clive Barker's Jihad earned Pinhead the cover spot on this listing of Marvel's upcoming releases.
The Middlesex News - 2-8 October 1987: The MetroWest Extra section of The Middlesex News placed "A cenobite creature" on the cover with an interview with Clive on pages 2 and 3 alongside a movie review.
Midweek - 10 December 1992: Pinhead gets a small black and white shot as compared to his creator's full colour cover status. Contains a Barker interview.
Miramax / Dimension - 1996: The movie studios' promotional booklet that showcased their upcoming features had Pinhead in the exalted company of de Niro, Streep, Fiennes, Depp, Paltrow... need we go on?
Model & Collectors Mart - May 1997: Screamin's newly released model of Doctor Channard gets both a long shot and close-up on the cover of this model magazine.
Model & Collectors Mart - June 1998: The addition of a new Pinhead to Screamin's Hellraiser line-up resulted in this guide to painting it.
Monstroid - No 3, Spring 1993: Whoever took this photo should have had a profit-share every time it was used... Peter Atkins discusses Hellraiser III and his novel, Morningstar.
Moviestar - June 1989: Hellbound gets the German cover treatment from Moviestar.
Necronomicon X Mortis - No 2, 1989: Staring imperiously from the cover of this fanzine, Pinhead invites us to sample the delights of interviews with Geoff Portass and Doug Bradley inside.
News of the World - 18 March 2007: A free copy of Hellbound on DVD with this UK Sunday tabloid results in a cover shot for Pinhead.
New Release Information - April 1988: Australia's Roadshow Home Video company put Pinhead on the cover of its monthly magazine for owners and staff of video shops and libraries...
Nexus - No 3, September/October 1987: Making use of the Frank still favoured by Shock Xpress earlier the same year, Nexus herald their Hellraiser review with the cover slot.
Nightbreed - No 6, July 1992: The Clive Barker Appreciation Society's magazine featuring a mix of news and fan art and fiction had Clive's sketch of Frank on the cover of issue 6.
Nightbreed - No 9, April 1993: Three issues later, Doc gets cover billing as the CBAS reprints a 1980s radio interview with Clive.
Other Dimensions - No 1, Summer 1993: Contains an interview with Clive.
Rassegna Del Cinema Horror - 1995: This Italian Hobby Work magazine features Hellraiser III on the cover and examines the movie as well as Clive's work in comics inside.
Revolver - December 2008: Pinhead joins Freddy, Jason and Michael as Revolver charts its favourite horror films for Halloween 2008.
Rue Morgue, No 179, November / December 2017: Rue Morgue celebrates 30 years of Hellraiser with interviews with Clive and the cenobites.
Sac This Week, 10 - 16 September 1992: Sacramento's Arts and Entertainment weekly conducts an interview with Clive as Hellraiser III is about to be unleashed.
Samhain - No 8, March/April 1988 (cover A): A location visit to the Hellbound set includes interviews with Clive, Tony Randel and others.
Samhain - No 8, March/April 1988 (cover B): For some reason we've never worked out, there were two covers for this issue with John Carpenter's Prince Of Darkness fighting Hellbound for top billing. Channard wins, the Engineer loses. Fair enough.
Satellite Times - 13-20 April 1991: As satellite pay-television gained ground in the UK, Pinhead took centre stage...
SciFiNow, No 64, March 2012: An overview of the Hellraiser series has interviews with cast and crew, including a 2009 interview with Clive.
SciFiWorld, No 18, September 2009: Cover billing for Pinhead as this Spanish magazine devotes no less than 14 pages to an overview of Clive's work and a further 8 to the Hellraiser series.
Scream - No 5, May 2011: Doug Bradley's interview takes centre stage in this UK magazine.
Scream - No 14, November/December 2012: This time it's Nick Vince's turn to speak out...
Scream - No 16, March/April 2013: ...followed swiftly by Barbie Wilde...
Scream - No 19, June/July 2013: ...and Simon Bamford.
Scream - No 22, January 2014: Early 2014 sees Stephan Smith Collins talking Pinhead as Revelations is unleashed.
Scream - No 48, May/June 2018: Interview with Gary Tunnicliffe to celebrate the release of Hellraiser Judgment.
Scream - No 52, January/February 2019: A retrospective, looking at Hellbound on its 30th anniversary...
Scream - No 73, July/August 2022: ...followed three years later by an interview with Pete Atkins as Hell On Earth turns 30.
Scream - No 77, March/April 2023: An examination of Hellraiser's themes and impact by Kat Ellinger.
Scream - No 84, May/June 2024: Doug Bradley is interviewed and takes the cover slot both in person and as Pinhead.
Screamin' - 1992 Catalogue: Pinhead, Chatterer and the puzzlebox all feature on the cover of Screamin's 1992 catalogue of available models as the first three Hellraiser models are released.
Screamin' - 1993 Catalogue: The following year, the addition of Butterball and the big cover star - Female Cenobite - to the line has these two on the cover and the whole gang of five models gets a two page spread inside.
Screamin' - 1993 Mid-Year Update Catalogue: C-3PO pushes Female Cenobite up into a smaller photo slot in 1993's mid-year update.
Screamin' - 1994 Catalogue: For 1994's full catalogue, the Crypt Keeper has replaced C-3PO but Butterball and Female Cenobite keep their place in the spotlight.
Screamin' - 1997 Catalogue: By 1997, it's Pinhead back on the front cover, this time accompanied by Dr. Channard's model.
Screamin' Times - No 1, 1990: News of the 203-copy release of the glow-in-the-dark Pinhead kit was included on the front page of Screamin's first official newsletter.
Shadow Demons - No 3, 1992: We don't have this (can anyone help?) but we understand it's got part one of a Doug Bradley interview.
Shadow Demons - No 5, 1992: We don't have this one either. There's the final part of the Doug Bradley interview inside.
Shivers - No 1, June 1992: Umm... Always best to launch a new magazine with the best image available... Doug Bradley discusses Hellraiser III.
Shivers - No 20, August 1995: Pinhead and the Proteus beast feature as Bob Keen steps forward to be interviewed as director of Proteus.
Shivers - No 50, February 1998: Fabulous company Pinhead's keeping here - including Peloquin and Candyman - but that's got to be the scariest shot we've ever seen of Stephen King in the middle of the back row... Features part one of a Hellraiser IV 'script-to-screen' essay.
Shivers - No 51, March 1998: You really need yet another Buffy magazine, Phil? - Oh, sorry, yes if you really squint hard you can just about see Angelique in the top right hand corner as the concluding part of the Hellraiser IV script-to-screen article appears.
Shivers - No 53, May 1998: Two issues later, Peter Atkins pens a response to the script-to-screen article. So this time maybe he gets his face on the cover? Well nearly, but not quite... Barbie cenobite appears top left.
Shock Horror - No 11, 2012: A 25th anniversary look back at Hellraiser earns Pinhead cover status.
Shock Xpress - No 6, Spring 1987: An interview with Clive conducted during a location visit to the Hellraiser set.
Shock Xpress - Vol 2 No 3, Spring 1988: A set visit to Hellbound includes interviews with Clive, Tony Randel and others.
Sins Of The Flesh - April 2002: The launch issue of a UK horror fanzine that includes an essay on the sexual delights of the Cenobites.
Speakeasy - No 102, September 1989: The use of John Bolton's peerless artwork again works to perfection. Contains an interview with Barker.
Starburst - No 109, September 1987: You too could win tickets to a Hellraiser preview if you could answer Starburst's trick question as to who said, 'I have seen the future of horror...'
Starburst - No 122, October 1988: Reporting a panel discussion/interview on censorship.
Starburst - No 171, November 1992: An interview with Anthony Hickox. Full marks for resisting the shot of Pinhead in the Pillar...
Spooky Empire - October 2011: The programme booklet for Spooky Empire's 'Ultimate Horror Weekend' from 7 to 9 October 2011, with Clive as a guest, had Pinhead as one of its cover stars, not least because Doug Bradley was also in attendance...
The Sun - 17 March 2007: A freebie copy of Hellraiser on DVD earns Pinhead a cover shot on this UK tabloid...
Switch - 3 August 1987: Issue 1 of this magazine from Scotland includes an interview with Christopher Figg ahead of Hellraiser's appearance at the Edinburgh Film Festival later in August 1987.
TerrorZone - No 3, May/June 1992: A great cover on this Australian magazine. Just a very short article on Hellraiser III inside.
Texas Frightmare Weekend Programme 29 April - 1 May 2011: Pinhead takes centre stage among a veritable pantheon of horror icons for the programme of April/May 2011's Texas Frightmare Weekend in Dallas.
That's Clive! - No 0: The German Clive Barker fanclub's inaugral publication has Pinhead watching over Barker's shoulder.
That's Clive! - No 3: Pinhead's pins are transferred over to the visage of his maker for this Hellraiser special.
Time Out - No 889, 2-9 September 1987: The UK release of Hellraiser is celebrated by Pinhead taking centre stage in London's weekly listings guide. An interview with Clive is inside.
TIP, No 5, 18 February to 2 March 1988: TIP, the Berlin Magazine, gives their cover slot over to Clive and Doug and there's an interview with Clive inside.
Toxic, No 1, April 1989: A painting by Laurent Melki of Chatterer was commissioned by L'Ecran Fantastique for the debut issue of their spin-off magazine, Toxic, which featured an interview with Tony Randel.
Toy Review - No 123, January 2003: NECA's Chatterer and a Twin share top billing with Pinhead as the first figures from their Hellraiser licence get a cover shot.
Vendredi 13, No 4, October 1988: Announcing the return of Hellraiser as Hellbound arrives in French cinemas.
Video - The Magazine - February 1988: Newly released on VHS, Pinhead takes the full cover slot.
Video - The Magazine - June 1990: Channard announces a competition to visit Image Animation as Hellbound emerges on UK VHS.
Video Plus - February 1993: Pinhead screams (again) while Camerahead, CD and Barbie lurk above Chuck Norris on the cover of this German film magazine.
Video Watchdog - No 183, May/June 2016: The Region B Blu-ray debut of Arrow Films' The Scarlet Box is reviewed inside.
Video Woche - No 43, 21-27 October 1996: Germany's video industry magazine puts a red-eyed Pinhead on the cover.
Video World - February 1988: Pinhead on the cover, yes there on the left - concentrate on the left... Andrew Robinson is interviewed inside.
Video World - June 1990: Oliver Smith gazes out from the cover. A Matthew Hopkins interview with Barker is inside, although one key quote seems to be from an earlier interview with Alan Jones...
Video World - January 1992: Several Hellraiser III photos were released early to accompany a feature on the making of the movie.
Video World - July 1993: Now Phil insists the only reason he needs to study this magazine in detail is because of the Doug Bradley interview inside - is he fooling anyone?
Video World - April 1995: Although Pinhead get his photo on the cover (just), it's the masks in Hellbound and Nightbreed that are examined as part of a feature on cinematic masks inside.
What Satellite TV - July 1994: The UK's monthly guide to developments in pay TV put Pinhead on the front cover as, inside, it declared the premiere of Hellraiser 3 alongside re-runs of Hellraisers 1 and 2 that month to be "a move that's bound to cause controversy" to those active in the censorship debate...
World Of Fandom - Vol 2 No 15, Spring 1992: Kirk Reinert's cover illustration for the Hellbound Heart looks even better full size as a magazine cover. This Clive Barker issue features interviews with Clive, Bob Keen, Peter Atkins, Doug Bradley, Anthony Hickox, Michael Brown (Pandemonium) and Stephen Jones (Shadows In Eden). Fabulous stuff!
X-Rated - No 23, 1st Quarter 2003: This German magazine features a rare outing for Hellseeker as its cover star to accompany a review inside.
Zine Shock, No 4, 1993: Julia attacks and absorbs Browning on the front cover of this Spanish magazine which is otherwise lacking in any Hellraiser related material...